Results of the Law of One Relistening Project

IntroductionMost significant changesLess significant changesPossible misstatementsEdited and unedited answersEditorial ChangesNotesObservationsAcknowledgments

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The relistening project started in the fall of 2004. I was interested in understanding where the Book V material fit into the sessions from which it had been removed. It turned out that the only way to find out where that material belonged was to listen to copies of the original tapes. Once I started listening, I realized that there was information that had never been published before, and I decided that it would be worth listening carefully to each session in order to produce a new, more accurate version of this amazing material.

I listened to sessions 1–98 in much the way that Jim McCarty, the original scribe, had: by playing tapes on a small portable tape recorder. In 2006, Gary Bean at L/L Research created digital copies of the original tapes, and in 2007 and 2008 Terry Hsu carefully listened to mp3s of sessions 75–106. Terry eventually decided that, since English is not his native language, he was not the best person for the job, but his infectious enthusiasm carried me through many a dry spell in my relistening efforts.

Eventually, I realized that the digital copies were better than the cassette copies I had been using, so I switched to them for sessions 99–106. In 2010, I asked L/L if they could arrange for volunteers to verify the transcripts I had created, and Gary recruited a volunteer (who wishes to remain anonymous) for the job. He began with the later sessions and worked his way back to session 31. Time constraints made it impossible for the first volunteer to continue, but we were quite fortunate, because a different volunteer (who also wishes to remain anonymous) picked up the baton, verified sessions 1–30, and then worked her way through the later sessions, too.

I wanted to create as accurate a transcription as possible, but I did not want to lose the readability of the original books. My solution has been to create three versions, which I call Original, Relistened, and Lightly Edited. The Relistened version represents what is actually in the audio as accurately as possible, stutters and all. The Lightly Edited version has light edits to retain readability. It is possible to browse or search this site using any of the three; the “Lightly Edited” is the default. For more information about the different versions and a way to identify the differences between them, please see the versions page.

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Most significant changes

Dropped lines restored

One of the most interesting discoveries was that segments of a number of answers were dropped in publication, many possibly due to typesetting errors. In some cases, they clarified what had been puzzling answers from Ra. Here is a list:

Complete list of restored lines:

New questions and answers

There were also a number of questions and answers that had never been published before, not even in Book V. The most interesting ones: the benefits of service to others in maintaining youthful appearance (15.6), confederation aid in 2D to 3D harvest (19.7), sex life of the cat Gandalf (30.13), answers to unasked questions can’t be published (42.1), and the effects of a pyramid built of rods (58.16). In addition, several new paragraphs in regards to healing and Carla’s energy center balance were added to an answer from session 12 (12.31).

Others: Orion contacts and techniques, cattle mutilations, Maldek, Lemuria, “thank you’s”, coughing requests, dinosaur extinction, maintenance questions, not-answered questions, corrections, Esmerelda Sweetwater, sexual energy transfer, galactic evolution, the Billy Meier contact, and a simulator analogy to pre-veil existence.

Complete list of new questions and answers:

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Less significant changes

There were many tweaks to Ra’s answers and many, many changes to Don’s questions. A few examples are shown below (original version first). To see all the changes, browse through the original/edited difference pages. To see only the changes to Ra’s answers, use the answers only pages.


The pyramids which we thought/built were constructed thought-forms created by our social memory complex.
The pyramids which we thought/built were constructed from thought-forms created by our social memory complex.


…thus bringing with them in totally latent form many skills and understandings…
…thus bringing with them in sometimes totally latent form many skills and understandings…


The exercise is to consciously see that love in awareness and understanding distortions.
The exercise is to consciously seek that love in awareness and understanding distortions.


to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfect.
to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced.


Firstly, that exercise of which we have spoken called the exercise of fire: this is, through physical energy transfer, not that which is deeply involved in the body complex combinations.
Firstly, that exercise of which we have spoken called the exercise of fire: this is, though physical energy transfer, not that which is deeply involved in the body complex combinations.


…intended to be studied as individual concept complexes as Matrix, Potentiator, etc., in viewing mind/body/spirit connections and in pairs with…
…intended to be studied as individual concept complexes; as Matrix, Potentiator, etc. in viewing mind/body/spirit connections; and in pairs with


…that is, to put value in a fatal action and die or to put value on consciousness of the creation of the One Creator and, thereby, live.
…that is, to put value in a fatal action and die or to put value on consciousness of the creation and of the One Creator and, thereby, live.

Unediting questions sometimes made Ra’s answers clearer. Example:

Questioner: The crown of three stars, we are guessing, would represent the balancing of the mind, body, and spirit. Is this in any way correct?
Questioner: The crown of three stars, we are guessing, indicates mastery and balancing of the mind, body, and spirit. Is this in any way correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This device is astrological in origin and the interpretation given somewhat confusing.

Sometimes answers became less clear, for example:

The mind/body/spirit complex known as Adolf
The mind/body/spirit complex known Adolf


If it is a contemplative general daydream…
If it is contemplative general daydream…

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Possible misstatements

There are a few answers where Ra may have misspoken. It’s hard to know for sure because Don didn’t follow up on these; however, they were changed in the originally published books. Previously published versions shown first; actual transcripts second.


There are no negative beings which have attained the Oversoul manifestation…
There are no beings which have attained the Oversoul manifestation…


…common to a reasonable number of entities who, having lost the desire for orange- and yellow-ray sexual experiences…
…common to a reasonable number of entities who, having lost the desire for orange- and green-ray sexual experiences…


You may see the air and fire of that which is chaos as literally illuminating and forming the formless
You may see the air and water of that which is chaos as literally illuminating and forming the formless

Edited and unedited answers

Edited answers

For the most part, the “Edited Version,” which is the default version on this site, uses the answers from the “Relistened Version.” The exceptions include the possible misstatements above and other minor tweaks:

Answers that could be edited but aren’t currently

These answers were edited in the books published by L/L Research. However, they are shown in the “Edited” and “Relistened” versions as they were recorded in the audio:

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Editorial Changes

In the course of creating and editing the relistened version, I made some changes to paragraphing, spelling, etc.

Paragraphing changes

Spelling changes

Hyphenation changes

Capitalization changes

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This project has deepened and enriched the already profound respect I had for the individuals involved and for those of Ra. I was previously aware that Don, Carla, and Jim had made significant sacrifices in order to put themselves in a position to channel Ra. Listening to the sessions made real to me that the sacrifices were ongoing and the commitment on all parts quite unequivocal. It increased my respect for all involved:

Some of the most poignant moments in the sessions occur at the end of each session. After Ra had given their final statement, Don would call Carla back to her body by quietly and persistently saying his nickname for her, “Alrac” (Carla backwards). “Alrac…” “Alrac…” “Alrac…” Sometimes it took quite a while before Carla replied. “Yeah?” she’d say, and then Don would ask, “How do you feel?” Often the audio ended at that point, but sometimes you’d hear Carla’s response: “OK,” or “Tired,” or “Mmmph.” Often her voice sounded incredibly weary.

I had always wondered how Don could speak with no false starts. In fact, he did false start, but not too often. Sometimes, Ra picked up on parts of his questions that were later edited out. Example: 88.17 (“condense the archetypes”). Don was remarkably good at telling when Ra was done with an answer, but occasionally they would start talking at the same time. Other times Ra would wait patiently until Don realized that he had only made a statement, not asked a question, and appended “Is that correct?” or something similar to his statement. Several times it’s possible to hear Don chuckling or reacting, such as after Ra answered a complicated question in one word (“No.”) (65.18)

In general, there was very little background noise, the amazing exception being session 45, when water truckers attempted to make a delivery. Other exceptions: a phone ringing in session 1; Jim unloading groceries in session 1, occasional cat purrs and meows.

Ra spoke   q u i t e   s l o w l y   and in a mostly monotone voice except when they discussed the archetypes, when their enthusiasm came through. In the first session, as mentioned above, Carla was not in trance, and there her intonations sound like we expect “normal” spoken conversation to sound. Some of the other sessions are especially monotone; it seems to have to do with how deeply in trance Carla was. The first session is the only time you hear the opening “I am Ra,” because in all other sessions Don and Jim waited until Ra began speaking before they began recording.

After the first session, L/L recorded each session on three cassettes, which they staggered so as not to lose any information. Sessions 1–17 are fairly faint, especially the questions, but the quality of the rest of the recordings is relatively good. In each session, after about 45 minutes, one can hear the sound of a cassette tape stopping and being flipped and restarted.

In conclusion, I think that it’s been worth it. The original purpose was to reintegrate the Book V material into each session, and I think that reading the sessions with Book V material restored does indeed add to the experience. In many ways, the Book V material is the heart of the Ra contact, and it’s nice to be able to read it in context. In addition, the new material, not previously published anywhere, is interesting to read and in some cases quite valuable. Finally, the model of dedicated service exemplified in the sessions by Carla, Don, Jim, and Ra has been an inspiration to me personally.


Many thanks to Don Elkins, for his lifelong quest to learn, to understand, and to pursue his learning wherever it took him. The Ra contact was the culmination of a life of seeking. Thanks to Carla Rueckert, fearless channel, who put her life and her soul’s freedom on the line to bring this information through the veil, and to Jim McCarty, the engine who made it all go. And thanks to Ra for their light, their precision and power with words, and their faith that we humans are worth the investment.

Much appreciation, also, to Gary Bean, admin at L/L Research, who provided the initial batch of tapes to get this project started and who has responded to my every request with humor and grace; to Terry Hsu of Taipei, Taiwan, who provided unflagging encouragement (and occasional well-timed reminders) that greatly helped me to renew and maintain my commitment to this project; to the first volunteer, who faithfully and persistently re-relistened to sessions 31–106, catching many discrepancies between my transcripts and the actual recordings; and to the second volunteer, who took over the re-relistening with great gusto and diligence. I could not have completed this project without any of them.

Finally, all thanks to my beloved wife, Jennifer, and children, Elijah and Elise, who have listened, with good humor and sometimes even with interest, to many more quotes from Ra than any wife or children should ever have to.

Tobey Wheelock

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Copyright ©2003–2024 Tobey Wheelock

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